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Tenets of Scientific Creationism

Principles of Scientific Creationism


  • The physical universe of space, time, matter, and energy has not always existed, but was supernaturally created by a transcendent personal Creator who alone has existed from eternity.
  • The phenomenon of biological life did not develop by natural processes from inanimate systems, but was specially and supernaturally created by the Creator.
  • Each of the major kinds of plants and animals were created functionally, complete from the beginning, and did not evolve from some other kind of organism. Changes in basic kinds since their first creation are limited to ‘horizontal’ changes (variations) within the kinds, or ‘downward’ changes (e.g., harmful mutations, extinctions  etc…)
  • The first human beings did not evolve from an animal ancestry, but were specially created in fully human form from the start. Furthermore, the ‘spiritual’ nature of man (self-image, moral consciousness, abstract reasoning, language, will, religious nature, etc..) is itself a supernaturally created entity distinct from mere biological life.
  • The record of the earth’s history, as preserved in the earth’s crust, especially in the rocks and fossil deposits, is primarily a record of catastrophic intensities of natural processes, operating largely within uniform natural laws, rather than one of gradualism and relatively uniform process rates. There are many scientific evidences for a relatively recent creation of the earth and the universe, in addition to strong scientific evidence that most of the earth’s fossiliferous sedimentary rocks were formed in an even more recent global hydraulic cataclysm.
  • Processes today operate primarily within fixed natural laws and relatively uniform process rates, but since these were themselves originally created and are daily maintained by their Creator, there is always the possibility of miraculous intervention in these laws or processes by their Creator. Evidences for such intervention should be scrutinized critically, however, because there must be clear and adequate reason for any such action on the part of the Creator.
  • The universe and life have somehow been impaired since the completion of creation, so that imperfections in structure, disease, ageing, extinctions, and other such phenomena are the result of ‘negative’ changes in properties and processes occurring in an originally-perfect created order.
  • Since the universe and its primary components were created perfect for their purposes in the beginning by a competent and volitional Creator, and since the Creator does remain active in this now-decaying creation, there do exist ultimate purposes and meanings in the universe. Teleological considerations, therefore, are appropriate in scientific studies whenever they are consistent with the actual data of observation. Furthermore, it is reasonable to assume that the creation presently awaits the consummation of the Creator’s purpose.
  • Although people are finite and scientific data concerning origins are always circumstantial and incomplete, the human mind (if open to possibility of creation) is able to explore the manifestations of that Creator rationally, scientifically, and teleologically.






(character vs. personality)

Statistics show that suicide is the second leading cause of death in ages 10 to 24 and the third leading cause for ages 12 to 18.  Addiction is another cause of juvenile delinquency and incarceration.  These age brackets are experiencing identity crisis due to lack of self esteem and sense of belonging altogether along with keeping up in academics.  Adolescence is the climax of our zealousness for approval, we are in thirst for recognition.  Aside from DNA we are identified as to the product of how much love and affirmation we receive from our family. The character and personality we develop as a result of our upbringing.

The difference between character and personality is that character is the inner foundation, which involves our core values, whereas personality is simply the outward manifestation of our emotions affecting our behavior and preferences. When these two are in conflict or if the character is not built on a strong foundation, we become vulnerable to making unwise decisions. We let emotions define the peace that our soul yearns for. Sadly, emotions are unstable as it only sees with our natural senses, which is temporal while the soul thirsts for eternity. Emotions do not have the ability to discern eternity and the purpose of man.

Man being a composite of three distinct components, which is the body, soul, and spirit, deep calls out to pursue the ultimate source of abundant supply of love and affirmation. The Word says we have a greater being inside of us that ought to be feared by evil who will try to snatch us away from the noble path God has determined for us.

For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
Psalm 139:13-14

God being our Creator has the abundant supply of love and we have direct access to Him through Jesus Christ. He has the blueprint of our purpose in life. When we come to Him as we are, all He sees is our potential not our predicament. He sees our purpose not our deficiency. He sees our victory not our failures.  When He called us to be, it was part of His plan to create within us a strong character that is far more reliable than emotional indicators.  Even the prophets in the Bible were not fit and popular before God called them to service.  Some of them even wondered why God chose them while the real question is “Who do you belong to?”

“For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God.
When Christ, who is our life, is revealed,
then you also will be revealed with Him in glory.
” Colossians 3:3-4

Just as Christ’s identity was only revealed to those whom the Father has chosen, only God has the full image of our design. Only He can draw that purpose out of us. Only if we look in His eyes will we see the glory that we have been given through the sacrifice of the One who found us worth dying for. We become the person in the eyes of who we look through and if we redirect our focus on the truth, it shall manifest.

“Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith.
For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame,
and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”
Hebrews 12:2

Knowledge isn’t the portal to a new life… Love is…

Knowledge isn’t the portal to a new life… Love is…

We know that “We all possess knowledge.” But knowledge puffs up while love builds up. 1 Corinthians 8:1

Scholars, philosophers, scientists, and inventors are highly esteemed for their intellect that largely contributes to our understanding of science and advancement of technology. We indeed benefit from the results of their brilliance and innovation. More provinces turn into cities, eventually filled with establishments and institutions to educate civilization. But does mere accumulation of knowledge bring inner transformation?
Enlightenment as part of the realization knowledge brings is intended to replace what is obsolete. Just as how technology improves our way of living. More often than not, we are too founded in our old habits that we approach even the point enlightenment in our own conventional way where pride is deeply seated. We believe but present our beliefs with the wrong motives. In other words, gaining knowledge feeds intellectual hunger while it starves the heart from chastity. Knowledge alone is insufficient to obtain freedom from bondage. Knowledge is only as useful as it brings forth self-denial.
Jeremiah 17:9, says “The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Since the time of creation, woman had been lured by the Tree of Knowledge. She was tempted to pursue knowledge itself rather than to seek God. The fruit of the forbidden tree brought malice to mankind and so hid themselves from God for shame and fear. From then on our hearts have been inclined to look elsewhere for satisfaction rather than towards our Creator. Because of our iniquity we bear this unhealthy fear of the Lord.
1 John 4:18 says “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.” Our Father wants us to realize the concept of our justification in Christ, that God is love and we are therefore made in love. Our relationship with our Creator is never about how much we know or how much we make our wrongs right. In fact there is a greater expectation of righteousness from the one who claims to know much. It creates pressure in outward performance rather than developing innate compassion towards others as Jesus did.
There is a difference between knowing Him and knowing about Him. If we desire personal encounter with Him rather than merely gathering information about Him, there we will attain that gradual transformation as His light gracefully shines in us. Only then will we be able to reflect His love to our neighbor as He had been longing for.



For God so loved the world, He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16