“Mars One will establish a permanent human settlement on Mars. We invite you to participate by sharing our vision with your friends, and perhaps, by becoming the next Mars astronaut yourself.”
That is the message of Mars One, the organization that wants to settle human beings on planet mars come year 2023.

Mars 2023 Project The escape Route for Man
Already thousands of people have registered to be part of the first settlement on the red planet, and many more applications are still being awaited. The record shows that about 120 countries have being represented already with a record 78,000 applications within two weeks. According to the CEO and Co-Founder of Mars One Bas Lansdorp, the organization is planning for about 500,000 people and they expects to get that before the time allotted for registration expires.
Even though one cannot but wonder why people love to join this kind of dangerous, unpredictable and seemingly senseless mission, or we might want to ask, what do they want in life that they cannot get that make them feel leaving the earth completely for a new planet will be best option to meet their needs.
When interviewed, many of those who registered did not express more than having a desire to explore a new thing as the reason why they want to go to Mars.
“The perfect candidate for the mission would not be a scientist with specific skill sets, but people with a deep sense of purpose, willingness to build and maintain healthy relationships, the capacity for self-reflection and ability to trust,” Mars One explained.
Once on Mars, settlers will be involved mainly in construction work such as installing greenhouses, maintaining the settlement’s systems and researching Martian climate and geological history.
All of these will happen in an environment that is far less habitable than the least habitable place on planet earth.
Looking at Mars One critically, one will see another Tower of Babel in the offing. If what the proponents of Mars One are planning is feasible, how will they make the new and historic settlement free from crime, and all known human vices that are here on earth, how will they deal with environmental and health issues they are likely going to meet over there?
Why are humans always looking for things that will bring destruction upon them? Why going for a non-habitable planet when God has given us a habitable one with super abundant resources.
Truly Apostle Paul has said;
And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper. Rom 1:28 NASU
Without doubt man has lost touch with God, and so we are looking for all kinds of alternatives to replace Him with.
It is time to move from uncertain and shadowy mirages and embrace the truth. God the creator of heaven, earth and the other planets have decided where we are to live, if we do His will He will ensure that we live in peace, abundance, good health, and long life, and we would not have any reason to migrate to another planet.
Thus we are calling for a new registration, not that of settling in Mars, but that of recognizing God and giving Him His rightful place in our lives.
You can sign here to help make the creation day a recognized holiday, and move with God not against Him.
- The Need for Care and Compassionate Use of Earth’s Resources - March 17, 2015
- Little Things you can do to Save the Earth - March 16, 2015
- How Big is God? - March 10, 2015